Private Tour
Your personal information provided to our web will NOT be passed along for secondary use without your explicit permission.
When you reserve or purchase travel services through, we provide information about the hotel, car rental agency, travel agency or other involved third parties to ensure the successful fulfillment of your travel arrangements. We do not sell individual customer names, email or other private profile information to third parties and have no intention of doing so in the future.
We do not buy or sell any email addresses. To report to us any the related spam or spoof, please forward us the email with a description of the problem.
If you have received this email inadvertently. Please do not pass it on to others. (As it may contain confidential or individual information), please delete all copies and all attachments. Then notify the sender that the email was sent to the wrong person. Thank you. The above statement shows the potential business management. This is for discussion purposes only. It is not intended to be and does not create a legal obligation. There will be no implied or implied legal obligation until the last written contract is signed by all parties involved.